SAGL Hall of Fame Nominee Lorenzo Phelps
On September 24, 2022, The M. W. Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge celebrated their first class of inductees into the Smooth Ashlar Hall of Fame. The Progressive Grand Commandery inducted our great Past Grand Eminent Commander and Past National Grand Eminent Commander, Sir Knight Lorenzo Phelps. Phelps is a long time member of Solomon Commandery and Locust Grove Lodge No. 573 of Locust Grove, Georgia. Grand Eminent Commander, Sir Knight Christopher L. Belcher presented a beautiful portrait of Sir Knight Phelps at the program. Past Grand Eminent Commander Franklin Cochran received the award on his behalf due to his inability to attend. The portrait will be hung at the Grand East of Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge at 6958 Main Street, Lithonia, Georgia.