Knights Templar History in the State of Georgia
Knight Templarism under the auspices of the National Compact dates back to the records of the 1856 National Grand Lodge Triennial Session held in Philadelphia. The First Independent African Grand Encampment of North America was listed in union with the National Grand Lodge with subordinate encampments located in various states.[1]
The earliest recording of Knight Templarism in Georgia is in the Call for the Grand Lodge Session of 1918 held in Dublin, Georgia.[2] It called for all Eminent Commanders to appear. Another early source is a 1922 newspaper article where S. S. Simmons , as National Grand Eminent Commander set up a Commandery in Kansas City, Kansas.[3]
J. R. Cook
James R. Cook served as a long time Most Eminent Commander of the National Grand Commander of the National Grand Commandery of Knights Templar F&AAYM Prince Hall Origin-National Compact. He also served as a District Deputy of Atlanta and established Progressive Lodge no. 557 of Atlanta. Most Eminent Commander Cook also established the Most Eminent Progressive Grand Commandery of Knights Templar in and for the State of Georgia.
The Most Eminent Progressive Grand Commandery
The following Historical sketch was provided by Past Grand Eminent Commander of the Progressive Grand Commandery, Sir Knight Eric Carter Sr. Sir Knight Carter is a Past Eminent Commander of Tri-County Commandery No. 32, Stockbridge, Georgia
The Progressive Grand Commandery (Brief Historical Sketch) by PGEC Eric Carter
Progressive Grand Commandery was chartered by the National Grand Commandery of Knights Templar (United States of America, F,&,A,A,Y Masons-Compact) on July 9, 1950.
Progressive Grand Commandery was to reside in the city of Atlanta, the state of Georgia and the county of Fulton.
The chartered Grand Commandery Officers were:
S.K. Sam D. Mulligan - Right Eminent Grand Commander
S.K. Julius Hurt - Eminent Grand Generalissimo
S.K. Palmer Roi Harris - Eminent Grand Captain General
S.K. C. B. Billings - Eminent Grand Prelate
S.K. W. E. Rish - Eminent Grand Senior Warden
S.K. Sherman Bird - Eminent Grand Junior Warden
S.K. Ben Russell - Eminent Grand Recorder
S.K. Joseph Fielder - Eminent Grand Treasurer
S.K. Ray Ward - Eminent Grand Sword Bearer
S.K. T. N. Hall - Eminent Grand Standard Bearer
S.K. Turnipseed - Eminent Grand Warder
S.K. C. W. Sterckey - Eminent Grand Sentinel
The National Grand Commandery Officers were:
S.K. James R. Cook Sr. - National (Most) Eminent Grand Commander
S.K. Rev. M. S. (Vaughn)* - National (Right) Eminent Grand Generalissimo
S.K. A. H. (Howie)* - National (Right) Eminent Grand Captain Gerneral
S.K. C. (Bowie)* - National (Right) Eminent Grand Prelate
S.K. Rev. J. W. Queen - National (Right) Eminent Grand Recorder
[1] National Grand Lodge Proceedings 1856, p. 46-47
[2] Grand Lodge Call, Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge, 1918
[3] Kansas City Advocate Newspaper , November 21, 1922